Monday, September 4, 2006

Tharp First ever Family Reunion


  I spent the first three hours sitting at the park having a blast and then the family showed up:) lol Ok Ok everything went great lots of food, lots of joking and alot of fun to be had by all.

  As you can see by the pics all of family meaning the Tharp family showed. My dear sweet hubby had to work as did my son. But everyone else showed up. I just love the park It was awesome. Shady in the sun and cool shen need be. And the kids had a water toys to run raround in. Isabella was specially happy because the 3rd is her 9th birthday. Boy is she getting old. Doesnt that make me old too? Dont tell her but Ive as of yet to buy her a gift. so mum is the word here! ok

  I just want to show you a little of what happened I hope you enjoy the party. I have more pics to come some with my nephew Chris and his girl Marci too. Oh yea I did bring my crochet but in all fairness I didnt crochet much. Sorry but I will be bringing pics of the cool crochet bag Im making for me:) cool huh?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Sherri, Just thought I would come see what was new on your blog.  Looks like the reunion was a lot of fun.

We miss you at the Outpost and hope to see you tomorrow night.  Take care.
