Sunday, March 4, 2007

Whewwie Babysitting granny


  Ive been busy with my grandchildren. The two middle kids were out of school on quad break for 3 weeks. SO to keep them busy I taught them to crochet. They kinda took to it:) As you can see they did make something that looked like a square. I got all the way to chain stitch and single crochet stitch. They got bored with that so I taught them how to knit. Now I know you are all laughing your butts off thinking of me teaching knitting to anyone especially my grandkids. I remembered how to cast on and to knit and purl. But I only taught them to knit. And I did all the bind offs. Now they are back to school I wont have them for another few months. So Ill put it all away then show them again.

  Im actually thinking of doing something kin to spring cleaning:) haha me clean too! Wow what is the world coming too! But 2 years ago I bought baskets t hold my yarn I found some kinda shelfing system that has bins that I think are alot nicer that Im thinking of buying. Just thinking mind you. Ill let you know it I do it or not!

  Ive missed the crochet group since December of last year was my last visit. One of these days Im going to go back and see all the new members. I found out last week that I have not been member of CGOA since August of 2006. Now Im trying to decided if I want to stay a member or not. There is not much benefit to being a member. Ill have to think about it.

  Well have a great day! Its absolutley awesome here in Vegas. I think it hit in the 70s today... just glorious!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sherri, We have missed you too and look forward to when you can join us again.  I did find it amusing that you taught your grandkids to knit, but I am glad you are sharing both crafts and that they seem to like them.  See you soon (hopefully).
